Category: Hong Kong
3 Posts
POSTED ON October 29, 2015 BY CEO.CA on Bay Street

by CEO.CA on Bay St. Legendary investor and author Jim Rogers urged students to scrap career plans for Wall Street or London’s financial district during a Nov. 4, 2010 speech at Oxford University’s Balliol College (one of his alma maters). He recommended studying agriculture and mining instead. “The power is shifting again from the financial… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 07, 2015 BY CEO Technician

Via Energy and After a margin debt fueled parabolic ascent, China’s Shanghai Composite has been in virtual free-fall for the last month. Bloomberg put together an interesting chart which effectively illustrates the timeline of events which led to where we are at now:   Judging by media coverage and social media message volume we… Continue Reading

POSTED ON March 27, 2014 BY Howard Winn

This post originally appeared in South China Morning Post. Three years ago, Robert Friedland, executive chairman and founder of Ivanhoe Mines, told the Hong Kong Mines and Money conference: “Hong Kong will become the largest mining finance market in the world.” Four years on this clearly hasn’t happened, which has led some to wonder if it… Continue Reading

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