Brandon Gorrell
Articles by Brandon
POSTED ON October 01, 2013 BY Brandon Gorrell

People working together can accomplish incredible things when they are motivated. Sadly, most corporate dreams die on the drawing board because people lose confidence. “We were too ambitious.” “We don’t have the money.” “This isn’t the right time.” “He’s not the right guy.” are just some of the excuses… International collaborations between remote contractors can… Continue Reading

POSTED ON March 12, 2013 BY Brandon Gorrell

“Neurons that fire together wire together” is the aphorism most commomly used by neurologists to describe the process by which our brain assists learning by changing its physical structure. That is, there’s a real-life, physical cognate to your ability to learn new information and develop new skills. This is an aspect of the neurological term… Continue Reading

POSTED ON March 11, 2013 BY Brandon Gorrell

In the film Amedeus (1984), protagonist Austrian court composer Antonio Salieri describes the antagonist of the film — Mozart — as having both the voice of God and an unseemly, juvenile temperament. What Salieri means by “the voice of God” is Mozart’s totally integrated ability to produce innovative, beautiful music that somehow makes sense on… Continue Reading

POSTED ON March 07, 2013 BY Brandon Gorrell

Born in 1928 in Pittsburgh to a pair of Slovakian immigrants, Andy Warhol was a controversial artist who became a leader in the pop art movement. Known for his painting, printmaking, photography, persona, film, and music, Warhol introduced a new paradigm to art culture. He pioneered in something like experimental artistic entrepreneurialism, which, among others,… Continue Reading
