Moving Day at The British Open at Royal Lytham & St Annes.

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Adam Scott is 4 shots in the lead. Tiger will have to step it up on Sunday. The CourseThe LeaderboardOpen Championship

Questions raised by Wednesday's Syrian assassinations. The rules of thumb in insurrections according to Conrad Black. Winning a war by any means necessary. National Post

If Assad falls, the area will lose a brutal dictator and Iran a pivotal ally. It could mark the end of an entire political culture. The battle for Syria is a battle for the entire Middle EastGuardian

Rupert Murdoch is stepping down from newspaper boards in the UK and the US, a spokesperson has confirmed. Telegraph.

Jean-Guy Desjardins: A tough negotiator with big ambitions. Globe and Mail

24% of a CNBC survey said they would need $100 million US to "feel" wealthy. Maria Bartoromo talks to Robert Frank: How Rich is Rich? CNBC

Study estimates staggering size of offshore economy. £13tn: hoard hidden from taxman by global eliteGuardian Observer

Peter Koven on QPs. Some are 'above the 99th percentile in optimism'. In mining sector, projects live or die on word of independent geologistsFinancial Post

The great divergence is over. Niall Ferguson: The 6 killer apps of prosperityTEDx (1 year old)

"If all the economists were laid end to end, they’d never reach a conclusion."
George Bernard Shaw, (playwright (1856–1950), HT Schumpeter

Global financial centres. Opportunities to be found on opposite list. GFCI - Global Financial Centres Index (March 2012). Long Finance

Financial Centres
(Calgary and Dubai were #28 and #29 respectively).