The Bond Market's New Leading Man: Mohamed El Erian. NYTimes

NYT El Erian

"RECESSIONS, crackups, bailouts — these are profitable times for Mohamed A. El-Erian.

Mr. El-Erian is the crown prince of the multitrillion-dollar global bond market, the figurative heir of its long-reigning king, William H. Gross of the mighty Pacific Investment Management Company... Read more -> NYT

Is this the new iPhone5? Mashable

In Sliding Internet Stocks, Some Hear Echo of 2000NYTimes

Why no hedge fund has made a killing out of the euro crisis. Economist

Nice story about family and burgers. The Five Guys Burger StoryForbes

The Chicago question - What would Milton Friedman do now? Economist

Friedman Economist

Downhill cycling: A peak may be in sight for commodity pricesEconomist

Harsh words for the world's wealthiest natural resources developer. Eike Batista overpromises, under-delivers. Globe and Mail

Tanzania minister wants established gold miners to pay 30% tax - no excusesMineweb

This appears to be a non-Vancouver made report on gold. The Truth about GoldBusiness Insider

White collar crime columnist David Baines takes to task motivational speaker T. Harv Eker and others. Vancouver men sued for pitching U.S. 'unsaleable'

Hedges discusses his new book with Moyers and the totally unchecked corporate power that is destroying our democracy. Bill Moyers and Chris Hedges: How Whole Regions of America Have Been Destroyed in the Name of Quarterly Profits.  Alternet

You've probably heard by now. Apple Officials Said to Consider Stake in TwitterNYTimes

Always be ready. Leadership Lessons from General/President Dwight D. Eisenhower. AOM

Conrad Black: I Pity The Fools Who Hate MeNational Post

Sports. The world according to Kobe. WSJ