"Don't be in a big hurry to find the investments."

Bill Lupien via Instagram

Via Mr. Lupien's Instagram // Buzzoid

I sought advice from a generous friend today, Mr. Bill Lupien. Bill is an entrepreneur, author and hedge fund manager with a long and distinguished career in the equity markets that my words won't do justice today. (You can learn more about him from Bloomberg).

"Why do people go to Harvard," Bill asked me.

"For the network, not the education," we agreed.

"Travel the world... I've been to over 80 countries... Don't be in a big hurry to find the investments. Build your contacts. Spend quality time with quality people internationally and then you double back, when you have a network of people you feel are solid contacts... Then you can try to take fees on a $500million deal."

"Find the important people, but focus on the younger ones. The ones who will be running things in twenty or thirty years."

Note to self: Relax on finding the investments, network and travel the world, focus on my generation, and remember to think long-term.

Thanks Bill for the quick call and look forward to posting new audio with you when I get my feet on the ground in Toronto in September for #CambridgeTO.
