Alterra Power Corp (C:AXY)
Shares Issued 466,374,814
Last Close 6/4/2013 $0.295
Tuesday June 04 2013 - News Release
Mr. Ross Beaty reports
Ross J. Beaty, of 1550, 625 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C., V6C 2T6, on June 4, 2013, acquired ownership of 7,588,500 common shares of Alterra Power Corp. through the facilities of the Toronto Stock Exchange in reliance on the normal course purchase exemption set out in Section 4.1 of Multilateral Instrument 62-104 (takeover bids and issuer bids) for a purchase price of 29 cents per common share and an aggregate purchase price of $2,200,665. The common shares purchased represent approximately 1.6 per cent of the total number of issued and outstanding common shares of Alterra. As a result of this transaction, Mr. Beaty now owns, directly or indirectly, or exercises control or direction over, 144,254,004 common shares of Alterra, representing approximately 30.9 per cent of the total number of issued and outstanding common shares of Alterra. In addition, Mr. Beaty holds, directly and indirectly, options to acquire an additional 831,734 common shares of Alterra. If all such options were exercised, Mr. Beaty would exercise ownership and control, directly or indirectly, over a total of 145,085,738 common shares of Alterra, which would represent approximately 31.1 per cent of the then issued and outstanding common shares of Alterra. Mr. Beaty's acquisition was made for investment purposes. Mr. Beaty may, in the future, acquire ownership and control over additional securities of Alterra for investment purposes.