My dad and I were discussing year end charitable contributions this morning. I told him how I learned about The Boys Club this year and met its founders Walter Mustapich (a Vancouver highschool vice principal) and Jim Cresenzo (a fine arts teacher), two lifelong friends who met at Templeton Secondary School in East Vancouver. The Boys Club's focus is to help at risk boys - those dropping out of school, using drugs, or getting into trouble with the law - to learn what it means to be a good man. They do educational and mentoring programs, and bring in great speakers to inspire the kids, all on modest budgets. The Boys Club is an extremely worthy cause.

More information:

"Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancements, all success, all achievement in real life grows."
                                                - Ben Stein

"Behind every successful man is a surprised mother in law."

                                                - Walter Mustapich

Thanks for your support and Happy New Year!