Hedge fund activist investor Zach George of FrontFour Capital will deliver the keynote address at the Subscriber Investment Summit on March 5, 2016 at the Hilton Toronto. Photo: Colleen De Neve / Calgary Herald (Source)
Contrary to popular belief, investors are still making money in resource markets.
The price for energy metal lithium has been surging, and shareholders of Frank Giustra-backed lithium exploration play Lithium X have also seen strong gains since the company went public on November 30.
Shareholders of NexGen Energy have more than doubled their money over the last year as the company outlines a large and high-grade uranium deposit in northern Saskatchewan.
Both companies are among the firms handpicked to present at the annual Subscriber Investment Summit in Toronto March 5. The Summit’s track record has made it a valuable stop where investors learn about the strongest publicly traded resource companies directly from the CEOs.
There’s even money to be made in the beaten-down oilpatch. Shareholders of junior oil producer Canamax Energy -- a Summit presenter in 2015 -- almost doubled their money overnight on Dec. 5 when management said they would go private.
This year’s conference is looming, but a few free tickets remain.
The Subscriber Investment Summit is hosted by three of Canada’s leading independent financial publishers: Oil and Gas Investments Bulletin, HRA Journal and CEO.CA.
These editors hand-pick the best companies in the junior resource space to present to their paying subscribers -- and investors who sign up before the show sells out.
This year, 14 high-quality mining and energy management teams are presenting, and you will hear directly from the CEOs.
In addition, hedge fund activist investor Zach George of FrontFour Capital will make a rare public appearance, delivering the keynote address on Saturday afternoon.
NexGen Energy’s Arrow uranium discovery has been described by Toronto hedge-fund manager Warren Irwin as “the next Voisey’s Bay.” CEO Leigh Curyer will make a highly anticipated presentation.
Continental Gold CEO Ari Sussman will discuss the rich Buritica project in Colombia.
NovaCopper CEO Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse will introduce one of the top undeveloped copper districts in North America.
Lithium X Executive Chairman Paul Matysek has sold three companies for a total of more than $3 billion in his career. Lithium is arguably the hottest commodity in the world right now, and Mr. Matysek will outline the growth path for Lithium X.
That’s just a small sample of some of the high-calibre CEOs presenting.
To keep things moving, no CEO is allowed to speak for more than 10 minutes. But investors will have plenty of time to connect one-on-one with chief executives -- one of the great features of the event.
Keynote speakers include leading fund managers and analysts. In addition to Mr. George, clean energy expert Nathan Weiss will share his latest contrarian bets, including an update on his Tesla “short” thesis.
Keith Schaefer, editor of the Oil and Gas Investments Bulletin, has proven himself nimble as the bottom falls out of the oil market. He’ll be presenting his best and latest ideas.
Eric Coffin, veteran editor of the HRA Journal, has seen a few bears and bulls come and go over the years. He’ll share his macro outlook and top picks for a junior mining rebound.
CEO.CA founder Tommy Humphreys will talk about how technology is changing the investing game and unveil the latest features of CEO.CA Terminal, a fast-growing chat-based app focused on Canadian securities.
The venue is the Hilton Hotel in Downtown Toronto (University and Richmond) on Saturday, March 5, 2016 - 9:00am-4pm.
THIS IS A FREE EVENT and tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The event sold out last year -- RSVP now to reserve your seat. You never know who could be in the seat next to you.
For more information, vist www.subscribersummit.com.
Here’s a full list of the companies presenting:
- Painted Pony Petroleum
- Tamarack Valley Energy
- Nevsun Resources
- Arena Minerals
- Continental Gold
- Crius Energy
- Erdene Resource Development
- Lithium X Energy
- Marquee Energy
- Morien Resources
- NexGen Energy
- NovaCopper
- Renaissance Oil
- SilverCrest Metals