James Altucher
For some reason, I've turned myself inside out and all my guts have spilled onto my blog. One day I'll run out of stuff but not yet.
Articles by James
POSTED ON October 09, 2014 BY James Altucher

On Quora someone asked, “should answers be categorized by expert / non-expert?” My response: There is no such thing as an expert. First, a couple of anecdotes. In 1799, George Washington caught a cold. He was coughing and he had a fever. This was considered an emergency. The greatest American alive was sick! Blood was… Continue Reading

POSTED ON October 06, 2014 BY James Altucher

I have an amazing tool/app that makes my work 100x more productive. It’s called a phone. That sounds sarcastic. I’m not being sarcastic. It’s the truth. A lot of times people send me emails and then I forget about them or I never respond to them or I respond to them weeks later. I now… Continue Reading

POSTED ON September 09, 2014 BY James Altucher

$70 million was a lot of money for me at the time. And I couldn’t sleep at night until I gave back every dollar to the people who gave it to me. I was running the sort of fund where people gave me money and then I invested it in other funds. The only problem… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 21, 2014 BY James Altucher

In 2002 I was driving to a hedge fund manager’s house to hopefully raise money from him. I was two hours late. This was pre-GPS and I had no cell phone. I was totally lost. If you’ve never driven around Connecticut you need to know one thing: all the roads are parallel and they all… Continue Reading

POSTED ON June 17, 2014 BY James Altucher

My first night in my first apartment I woke up with cockroaches everywhere. I went to the bathroom and the entire floor was swarming with them. I panicked and screamed because I was a little baby and never saw this before. I should’ve just called Terminix michigan to get rid of the pests, but I… Continue Reading

POSTED ON June 11, 2014 BY James Altucher

Time is not money. All the slick guys in their suits, peppering their lingo with “time is money!” Hurry! Money! It’s not true. I feel bad for them. Cheapening their time like that. I know this because I’m the master at losing money. I have very clever ways of making my money explode into dust.… Continue Reading

POSTED ON April 22, 2014 BY James Altucher

I just this second got an email: The title was: “No Money Down!” I even launched a daily podcast yesterday called “Ask Altucher.” The first question someone sent in for my podcast was “Should I buy a home now?”

POSTED ON April 09, 2014 BY James Altucher

Imagine you have a 17,000 square foot mansion and your movies have grossed over $2 billion and you are probably worth close to $50 million. Now imagine you sell the house and give it all away and move into a trailer in a mobile home park. I was talking to movie director Tom Shadyac and… Continue Reading

POSTED ON February 28, 2014 BY James Altucher

Many people have said to me in the past month, “I’m going to buy a home.” Or, “What do you think of the idea of me buying a home?” I like the second batch of people. They are my friends and it seems like they are sincerely asking for my advice. And I’m going to… Continue Reading

POSTED ON February 18, 2014 BY James Altucher

It’s really humiliating to ask for money from people. When I was a venture capitalist I hated everyone who asked me for money. And I hated my partners who pretended like they had the ability to make important life or death decisions over people. All we really wanted to do was make a lot of… Continue Reading

POSTED ON February 13, 2014 BY James Altucher

Are you satisfied with your life? Do you go to work knowing you could do better? Knowing there are unique talents in you that could make you great, the best in the world? This post is about achieving mastery. But also why it’s ok to not get mastery in the traditional sense. You can define… Continue Reading

POSTED ON January 30, 2014 BY James Altucher

It’s really humiliating to ask for money from people. When I was a venture capitalist I hated everyone who asked me for money. And I hated my partners who pretended like they had the ability to make important life or death decisions over people. All we really wanted to do was make a lot of… Continue Reading

POSTED ON January 06, 2014 BY James Altucher

I stopped going to classes. I had a scholarship that paid all my living expenses ($1200/month) so I didn’t want to quit (ugh, and get a job?). So I stayed a student but I failed every class I took for three semesters in a row. Finally Merrick Furst the Dean, wrote me a note that… Continue Reading

POSTED ON December 19, 2013 BY James Altucher

I had no furniture, I was 20 lbs overweight, no job, depleting bank account, owed the IRS, out of shape, I drank every night, I was separated but not divorced, two kids, depressed and maybe suicidal, and finally, I secretly wanted to be a standup comic. I also didn’t like being alone. I am the… Continue Reading

POSTED ON October 31, 2013 BY James Altucher

I was a daytrader for many years and it almost killed me. I made money by making profits on my own money and also taking a percentage of the profits for the people I traded for. I traded up to $40 or $50 million a day at my peak. I did this from 2001 to… Continue Reading
