Tommy Humphreys
Tommy Humphreys, 30, is an entrepreneur, investor and writer from Vancouver, Canada. He founded CEO.CA, a popular junior mining and Canadian finance blog, in 2012. He has been the president of Pacific Website Company Inc., a private marketing and web development company, since 2007. Tommy has authored articles for Globe and Mail, Financial Post and others. He speaks at select conferences. Reach him by email: Follow him on Twitter: @TommyHump
Articles by Tommy
POSTED ON November 07, 2011 BY Tommy Humphreys

Today, let’s look at another investment sector — real estate –that bears little resemblance to the world of mineral exploration and development. With people looking into real estate investing courses via Roofstock, this industry will continue to grow and of course, we’ll need qualified real estate agents to help us out with our housing needs.… Continue Reading

POSTED ON September 12, 2011 BY Tommy Humphreys

Originally published on It is my pleasure to share this interview with my friend Doug Casey, the legendary author, investment newsletter writer and founder of Casey Research. Doug is about the nicest guy you could meet for a man in the doom and gloom business, and I think business is good. So without further adieu,… Continue Reading

POSTED ON November 02, 2010 BY Tommy Humphreys

Originally published in BCBusiness here. Taking cues from Jimmy Pattison, the man who’d mastered personal branding before it was a buzzword. When I was 18, the executive who oversaw the mailroom I worked in told me to scrap the name “Tommy” for “Tom” or “Thomas.” Tom, he insisted, sounded more professional, more appropriate to the… Continue Reading
