Category: Mining
1713 Posts
POSTED ON July 10, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

Exploration Insights editor and economic geologist Brent Cook spoke to Mineweb’s Kip Keen about the harsh reality for today’s junior mining investors. “I think we’re in for a long, slow stretch where mines go bust, companies go bust and the sector consolidates,” Cook commented. Read the full article over at Mineweb. Here are a few excerpts:… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 09, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

It’s a different reality for the Lundin’s, an extremely successful, and well financed oil and mining exploration and development group. Chairman Lukas Lundin tells Mineweb’s Kip Keen his copper companies intend to keep their exploration budgets intact, and expresses optimism for continued, high commodities prices. You should read the full article over at Mineweb. Here are a few excerpts:… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 05, 2013 BY CEOEditor

Well-known Toronto-based mining and energy promoter Stan Bharti of Forbes and Manhattan has opened up to Mineweb’s Kip Keen. Here’s a link to the article. Excerpts include: “At Forbes & Manhattan we always tell people, find good assets in emerging markets so you don’t overpay for them. I mean any fool can go and pay… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 04, 2013 BY CEOEditor

Today we learned that PI Financial Corp. has updated coverage on Silver Bull Resources (TSX: SVB) (NYSE: SVBL), one of the few junior mining names we own. Following the release of positive test results from the silver mineralization zone at the company’s flagship project in Mexico, analyst Philip Ker reiterated his buy recommendation, maintaining his 12-month target… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 01, 2013 BY CEO Technician

JP Morgan is out with its first overweight call on commodities since September 2010 (a call which turned out to be highly prescient) – here are some of the key takeaways from this bold contrarian call: Seasonality is very favorable once again for commodities Risk is now skewed toward demand growth surprise and production disappointments… Continue Reading

POSTED ON June 28, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

Yesterday I had another opportunity to hear Frank Giustra speak — this time at BCBusiness Magazine’s Top 100 event at Hotel Vancouver. In front of a crowd of 1,200, he was interviewed on stage by BCBusiness chairman Peter Legge. Frank Giustra became a millionaire in his early 20s financing small mining and energy companies. As Chairman… Continue Reading

POSTED ON June 28, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

In an interview with CEO.CA on April 26, 2013 mining legend Ross Beaty told us, “I don’t think it’s time for me to invest just yet, but its getting close.” Yesterday Beaty announced that he had purchased 221,000 shares in Lumina Copper Corp. (TSXV:LCC) at an average cost of $4.68 in the open market on June… Continue Reading

POSTED ON June 26, 2013 BY CEOEditor

As if the Canadian resource markets needed another “external” market variable to drive volatility, the annual “Russell 3000 Rebalance” occurs on Friday at market close. Some notable names from our universe to pass along below with relative “addition/ deletion” amounts. Russell 3000 deletions: Uranerz- URZ- 5.9M shares for sale…1900% of the ADV (coming out of… Continue Reading

POSTED ON June 25, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

A Colorado Resources press release caught my attention earlier announcing the engagement of Sterling Marketing (Scott Gibson) for investor relations services. While Colorado has been in the news a lot lately for their North Rok discovery, to see the name Scott Gibson was a surprise. Gibson, well-known in the junior mining industry as a conference… Continue Reading

POSTED ON June 24, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

Sprott USA Chairman Rick Rule spoke with INN’s Andrew Topf about fundamentals for a higher uranium price, and Rule characteristically provided profund commentary on the natural resources business. “This industry needs amalgamation more than anything else,” according to Rule. “There’s too much G&A across the whole mining space and combining two companies together and getting rid of one… Continue Reading

POSTED ON June 20, 2013 BY CEOEditor

NexGen Commences Drilling at Radio Project, Eastern Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan Related: Read the NexGen backstory in this CEO.CA interview here. NexGen Energy Ltd. (TSX.V:NXE) (“NexGen” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has commenced a 4,000 meter drill program at the Radio property, which is immediately adjacent to, and on trend approximately 2km east from, Rio… Continue Reading

POSTED ON June 18, 2013 BY CEO Technician

The highly liquid gold miners ETF (GDX) is at a crucial juncture ahead of tomorrow’s widely anticipated FOMC announcement and press conference: Click to enlarge A near perfect inverse head & shoulders bottom has formed, however, this chart pattern is nothing more than a possibility until price has broken above the ‘neckline’ (roughly $31.00). The… Continue Reading

POSTED ON June 10, 2013 BY Gianni Kovacevic

Mali, West Africa is the third largest gold producer on the African continent. Mali’s world-class mines were discovered in the 1990’s and 2000’s by companies such as BHP, AngloGold Ashanti & Randgold plus a handful of juniors, all of which have had their share prices suffer tremendously in the wake of last year’s military coup.… Continue Reading

POSTED ON June 08, 2013 BY CEO Technician

2013 has been a challenging year for gold investors and the current macroeconomic environment appears to be highly unfavorable for the yellow metal – gold currently faces its most challenging fundamental backdrop in at least two decades: US 10-year real rates have risen 77 basis points in the last two months US 10-year real rates… Continue Reading

POSTED ON May 30, 2013 BY Eric Coffin

HRA has been telling subscribers for months that new discoveries would be a key driver for a turnaround in the junior resource market. At the same time, we have been suggesting a handful of well-financed juniors with discovery potential. And in most cases, HRA is the only publication following them. One of those HRA focused… Continue Reading

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