Mardi Gras: From San Diego to New Orleans, the bullish omens are everywhere.

Mardi Gras: From San Diego to New Orleans, the bullish omens are everywhere.

Hello from 30,000 feet. I’m on a flight from San Diego to Toronto after attending Howard Lindzon’s Stocktoberfest conference. The event is media, fintech and charts-focused and the roughly 400 attendees included many prominent investors and personalities. The commodity complex is getting a lot of attention from chartists, with gold, oil and others at critical support levels. A highly bullish setup is approaching, according to J.C. Parets of However, if prices fall further from here — which looks like the less likely of the two scenarios — look out below. A lot of eyes are on this space.

After a quick stop in Toronto, I’m headed back to the States for another killer event next week.

For 40 years, leading economists, politicians, authors, and of course, gold mining promoters have made the pilgrimage to the New Orleans Investment Conference (NOIC). It’s the most historic — and fun — event on the gold circuit, and after attending in 2014, there was little doubt I’d be back for this year’s event, which takes place Oct. 27-31 at the Hilton Hotel in New Orleans.

I’m proud to be speaking about the next generation of information tools for junior resource speculators and some of the jockeys that we are following. The lineup of speakers is outstanding, with big names like Jim Rickards, Doug Kass, Marc Faber and Dennis Gartman making the trip. You’ll also hear from asset managers Frank Holmes and Rick Rule and newsletter editors Eric Coffin, Brent Cook and Nick Hodge (full lineup here) among others. Two of the non-financial speakers, Charles Krauthammer of the Washington Post and one-man global content provider Mark Steyn, are on the top of my list to check out.

For investors, the timing of this year’s New Orleans conference is reason enough to attend. After a four-year bust, quality mineral explorers and developers that have survived are as cheap as hell, and some of the best issuers in the sector will be presenting and accessible to attendees. From the CEO.CA stable, Sabina Gold and Silver ($SBB.TO) CEO Bruce McLeod and NovaCopper ($NCQ.TO) CEO Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse will be there to update investors and take your questions.

Two of my best buddies from the business are joining me. I long ago promised to never write about one of them, but he’s the smartest prospector I know. The other is new millennial mining CEO Brian Paes-Braga, who is getting ready to launch his first public company — Royce Resources, soon to be renamed something to do with lithium— in the first week of November. Both of these guys are brilliant and full of life. Halloween in New Orleans wasn’t a hard sell.

I am looking forward to the sunshine, music, food, and maybe even a few questionable glow-in-the-dark shooters — especially because so many great people will be there. I’ll be on a mission to get guys like Eric Coffin and Brent Cook drunk and pushing our application on their subscribers.

The New Orleans Investment Conference is an intimate event with many accomplished entrepreneurs and investors in attendance. Hanging out at the lobby bar in the Hilton last year, I was able to chat up some legendary dealmakers and learn about promising new stories for the first time.

If you’re going to New Orleans, let’s meet up for a Po Boy Sandwich or something. Send me an email ([email protected]). And if you’re not already booked, you should come. Use promo code FREEGOLDCLUB for a $189 savings on premium Gold Club tickets.

Life is short and never turn down a lark, especially when it is a legitimate business expense!

I hope to see you there and all the best,

Tommy Humphreys