Tommy Humphreys
Tommy Humphreys, 30, is an entrepreneur, investor and writer from Vancouver, Canada. He founded CEO.CA, a popular junior mining and Canadian finance blog, in 2012. He has been the president of Pacific Website Company Inc., a private marketing and web development company, since 2007. Tommy has authored articles for Globe and Mail, Financial Post and others. He speaks at select conferences. Reach him by email: Follow him on Twitter: @TommyHump
Articles by Tommy
POSTED ON August 02, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

David Talbot, Senior Mining Analyst at Dundee Capital Markets, is one of the foremost uranium analysts in Canada. He sat down with the Energy Report to discuss a few of his favourite names. Read: Top Ten Stocks for a Uranium Price Rebound: David Talbot On the uranium price’s recent poor performance, Mr. Talbot commented, “What we… Continue Reading

POSTED ON August 02, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

Kip Keen at Mineweb has a new interview with Dave Lowell, Chairman & CEO of Lowell Copper (TSXV:JDL), discussing the Ricardo property in Chile. Finding an ore body at Ricardo will be challenging, Lowell says. “We’re looking for vertical tabular slabs of ore with no alteration halo on either side and it probably will be deep,… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 31, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

Very strong results from Petroamerica Oil Corp. (TSXV:PTA) today, announcing flow tests from their Las Maracas-11 well at 3,600 bopd. Average production for the month of July for PTA (up to July 24) was 5,600 bopd, not including production from Las Maracas-11. The company has over US $48 million in cash on hand, and is fully… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 30, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

Cream Minerals Ltd. (TSXV:CMA) has entered into a LOI for the sale of its Nueveo Milenio Silver-Gold project in Mexico for $600,000. The acquisition is being led by a group which includes current Cream shareholders. In November 2010, Vancouver-based Endeavour Silver made a 14 cent offer for all of Cream’s 88 million shares, implying Nuevo Milenio… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 30, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

Ridgeline Energy Services (TSXV:RLE), a water treatment and energy technology company, published an interesting News Release this morning, after shares in the TSX-V listed startup slid more than 40% in July alone. The NR seeks to calm the market and appears to have done so slightly, stating that the company will not need to dilute… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 30, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

NexGen Energy has finished their 3,472.9 meter summer drill program at Radio. CEO Leigh Curyer commented, “These first 9 holes within the 5 test zones of summer drilling at Radio has confirmed these zones contain the basement geology, alteration and structural features that host uranium mineralization elsewhere in the Athabasca basin. Receipt of the completed… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 29, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

Peter Koven of the Financial Post covers uranium’s 14% price correction over the previous two months, last at $US.34.50 per pound, the lowest level since 2006. The Fukushima Nuclear disaster in Japan continues to take its toll, with excess supplies in Japan being reportedly dumped onto the open market. Read: Uranium spot price sinks amid… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 28, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

Rumours are circulating on Howe and Bay Streets that someone may soon move on the PLS project in Northern Saskatchewan, a 50/50 joint venture held by Fission Uranium (TSXV:FCU) and Alpha Minerals (TSXV:AMW), fuelling demand for the shares of both companies. Click to enlarge: FCU.V AMW.V These are unsubstantiated reports, but the PLS project is… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 25, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

Bloomberg reports on the current mining market meltdown’s devastating impact on Canada’s investment community. Mark Morabito, chairman of Alderon Iron Ore Corp. (ADV), was quoted. “I’m now dealing with the top guys, the global heads of mining, because the guys in between are all gone… Toronto is just a dead zone.” Read: Toronto Bankers Feel Pain From Mining… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 25, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

Inc Magazine has four tips for venture CEOs raising early stage money. My favourite point is #2, “There needs to be enough momentum so that VCs feel like they need to jump on or else they’re going to miss out.” Promotion = excitement. Read: Raising Capital: 4 Things You Must Do | Inc

POSTED ON July 24, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

Huge volume on Mark O’Dea’s True Gold Mining (TSX:TGM) yesterday, 24.521 million shares traded via House 62, Haywood Securities. Golden Star Resources had owned a similar sized stake (24.521 million shares as of Nov 21, 2012), and this looks like them getting out. However there appears to be a strong appetite for True Gold’s shares, despite… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 24, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

There’s a growing rotation of capital flows being diverted from resources stocks to the tech world lately, and many entrepreneurs have jumped on the bandwagon, starting a host of technology ventures. And more are sure to follow. After all, “Give ‘em what they want” is the old promoter’s adage. If you’re looking on keeping up… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 23, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

We are always looking for new contributors to the site. If you are publishing compelling investing or entrepreneurship content, send your work to tommy @ ceo dot ca. We will help you edit and promote your articles. Suggestions for stories, as well as links to other sites, are welcomed also. Just take a sentence or… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 22, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

Bloomberg interviewed Lucara Diamond Corp. CEO William Lamb in Vancouver last week. Mr. Lamb communicated a desire to diversify Lucara’s asset base: “We’re still only a company of one asset. To de-risk you want at least two assets, two producing entities.” He also put a bright spin on falling diamonds prices: “Some companies might put… Continue Reading

POSTED ON July 22, 2013 BY Tommy Humphreys

The Color of Law in last week’s New Yorker covers the US Civil Rights movement. Author Louis Menand captures the scene of the day emotionally, and at times, horrifically. Particularly fascinating was Dr. Martin Luther King’s rise to the leadership and symbolic position he held during the movement. I was surprised to learn that some… Continue Reading
